Water Stain BreakerTM Original Strength
- Excellent for difficult-to-remove minerals
- Mineral scale removal
- Non-Hazardous
- Safe on pipes and septic systems
- Unique Blue Containers
- G.H.S. Compliant Labeling
Dynamic Powerhouse WATER STAIN BREAKERTM is a unique formulation which contains KALISITE®, designed to easily remove hard water, rust, silica, calcium, magnesium, iron, lime, and other mineral deposits from windows, bathtubs, wash basins, showers, shower doors, toilets, urinals, auto wire wheels, brass, copper, chrome, stainless steel, swimming pool walls and water meters.
Effectively Removes:
- Toilet Rings
- Scale
- Scum
- Mineral Buildup
- Lime
- Hard Water Deposits
Excellent For:
- Concrete
- Stainless Steel
- Fiberglass
- Swimming Pools
- Toilet Ring Removal
- Sinks and Tubs
- Chrome
Package Sizes
Item code WSB-32: 12×1 Quart Case
Item code WSB-128: 4×1 Gallon Case
Item code WSB-55: 55 Gallon Drum